Maria Eugenia

“This has been the best experience of my life, the most wonderful month I’ve ever had. My homestay family has made me feel as their daughter, and I was happy to be Canadian!  The opportunity to integrate as a Canadian in such nice company (family, classmates, teachers…Canadians, which are all so warm and kind!). Since the first second I met my (host) family I felt that I was one more and that that was my life.
Maria Eugenia Lopez Anguino, Spain




Tom Lee

I study at Carleton Place High School, where I have met a lot of great teachers, friends and homestay. The lifestyle here is quiet, which I enjoy. My school has an Environment course, which is a very special course and I have enjoyed it very much.
Tom Lee, China





“I have had quite a time! Being a foreigner in a completely different country is challenging and there is a lot of hard work involved and challenges that you will go through. The time that I have spent here in Canada has improved me a lot in many ways.”
Logan Choi, Korea